Category: Smart Money Tips

How to Make a Bigger Impact with Your Giving


Give Smarter & Make a Greater Impact with Philanthropy

What inspires you to give?

Most of us give for the same basic reasons.

We want to help others, make a positive difference in the world—and giving feels good. 

It makes us happy, and it connects us to the causes we care about.

Studies show that most charitable folks give according to their values or to support causes they care about.

But they don’t always have a strategy around giving. Or a way to monitor for impact.

How do you make the greatest impact with your giving? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. Many folks are passionate about giving but don’t have a defined strategy.

Even though strategic giving can pave the way for thoughtful donations of money, time, and resources. And that can help you figure out how to do the most good for the causes that matter most to you.

Want to create your own charitable strategy?  Check out the questions here to help create your own giving roadmap.

Can You Beat 93% of Americans on a Financial Literacy Quiz?

kid thumbs up

What do you really know about finance?

How would you rate your financial literacy?

Most folks say they’re very knowledgeable about financial matters.

But guess what?

Only about 1 in 3 folks can score 80% on a simple financial literacy quiz.

And only 7% answer every question right.

So, how will you measure up?

Can you beat 93% of your fellow Americans?

Let’s find out and take the financial literacy quiz.

What Inflation Could Cost You in 10 Years

inflation in 2030

What Your Bills Could Look Like in 2030

Sticker shock at the grocery store? Price hikes at the pumps?

Prices are going up and spending more for basics can be startling.

Do you remember the first time you noticed prices increasing? It often happens so gradually that we don’t even notice.

Inflation is often more complicated than we realize and it’ll be with us for the rest of our lives.

So, what could prices look like in 2030?

Let’s find out by looking at some historical data, and projecting how prices for things like food and housing could go up.

Easy exercises to get more joy out of life.

Want to be happier?

What would make your life better?

A new house or car? A bigger paycheck or bank account?

It’s easy to want more when you think of being happier and living better.

And there’s little doubt that money can buy some (more) happiness.

But the happiness we get from money is fundamentally limited.

It leaves us wanting more, and it’s not enough on its own to enjoy a truly satisfying life.

The reality is a lot of the things that can make us happy and enrich our lives have nothing to do with money.

And some of the things that may bring us the most joy could already be within our reach.

What are they and how can they improve our lives?

Find out the answer with these simple life upgrade here. They can transform the way you experience and enjoy life.

How to handle post-pandemic travel in 2021.

airplane window

For the first time in a long time, travel is becoming a real possibility.

The pandemic hasn’t disappeared (and it’s not going away any time soon) but we’re turning a corner. More of us are getting vaccinated against COVID-19 every day, and more of us have a ready-to-travel mindset.

After months of doing everything from home, we’re ready to get out — and really get away!

And we’re not wasting time. About 2 in 3 folks say they have a trip planned within the next 3 months.

Most are looking to get out of state or go abroad. That’s more than since the beginning of the pandemic.

TSA airport screenings are up.

As excited as we are to get out of our COViD-19 caves, we’re also anxious. We’re worried about getting sick or stuck in our destination. And we fear the unknown.

These worries are valid. But we can manage our stress about traveling by taking action. The right planning can help us manage our anxiety and prepare for the changes that will come with post-pandemic travel.4

So, if you’re just starting to think about getting out or you’ve already booked a trip, here are some of the most important things to consider so you can make smart, safe choices and still have a great time.

How much do you know about cryptocurrency?


Cryptocurrency isn’t the black sheep it once was. It’s hit the mainstream, and it’s grabbing up more headlines and investors than ever before.

These days, about 1 in 7 Americans own some type of cryptocurrency. And a little more than half of them bought it for the first time in 2020.

Those numbers are likely to climb this year. That’s because more than a quarter of folks say they plan to buy cryptocurrency in the next 12 months.

With all the headlines, it’s hard to ignore all of the excitement.

And, yet, many also admit they still don’t know all that much about cryptocurrency.

Do you know the basics?

How much do you really know about cryptocurrency? To learn about tax loss harvesting for cryptocurrency read our blog.

Test your knowledge here and check out the facts to see if the cryptocraze lives up to all of the hype — and if it really makes sense for you to jump on the bandwagon.

Money lies we tell ourselves.


Do you think you’re telling yourself the truth about money?

We may think we know the facts about our finances. But our beliefs can often overshadow the facts.

Our wishes, hopes, and fears can tip the scales away from the truth. This makes it easier for us to believe what we want to about money — and it can happen without us even realizing it.

The money lies we tell ourselves can change the way we think and act when it comes to finances.

And since most of us rarely talk about money with our friends and family, the money lies we tell ourselves stick around. That can lock us into destructive beliefs and reinforce poor financial habits.

But no matter what money lies we tell ourselves, it’s never too late to set the record straight.

Let’s look at some of the most common money lies we all buy into at some point — and the truth behind them in this Visual Insights Newsletter.

How Far Could $1 Million Go In Retirement?

retire on $1 million?

A million dollars used to be the ultimate target for retirement portfolios. Retiring as a millionaire brought status and confidence that you could live comfortably during your golden years.

If you retired with $1 million in 1970, you probably didn’t have to worry about your nest egg running out, even with a lavish lifestyle. It would be like retiring with $6.9 million today.1

Retire with $1 million in the ’80s, and it would have been like retiring with $3.35 million in 2021.1

And in 1990?

A cool $1 million would have gone twice as far as it does these days.1

Clearly, $1 million doesn’t go as far as it used to.

Just how far could it go these days?

The answer depends on how and where you live.

In retirement, as in real estate, location is everything (or, at least, it’s a lot). The map below shows how long $1 million could last in each state. This state-by-state breakdown features a few different hypothetical growth scenarios and the results of our calculations.

Let’s see how long a $1 million nest egg could last where you want to retire — or wherever you’ve already retired.