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How to Make a Bigger Impact with Your Giving


Give Smarter & Make a Greater Impact with Philanthropy

What inspires you to give?

Most of us give for the same basic reasons.

We want to help others, make a positive difference in the world—and giving feels good. 

It makes us happy, and it connects us to the causes we care about.

Studies show that most charitable folks give according to their values or to support causes they care about.

But they don’t always have a strategy around giving. Or a way to monitor for impact.

How do you make the greatest impact with your giving? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. Many folks are passionate about giving but don’t have a defined strategy.

Even though strategic giving can pave the way for thoughtful donations of money, time, and resources. And that can help you figure out how to do the most good for the causes that matter most to you.

Want to create your own charitable strategy?  Check out the questions here to help create your own giving roadmap.