The Archer Blog

What’s going on in the world of finance?
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Eyeglasses on a journal

Smart Money Tips

Is Vision Insurance Worth It? Weighing the Pros and Cons.

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Advisor's Alpha

Smart Money Tips

Advisor’s Alpha: How You Benefit From Working With a Financial Planner

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mega backdoor roth

Smart Money Tips

Supercharging Your Road to Retirement with a Mega Backdoor Roth

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Rule 72(t)

Smart Money Tips

Rule 72(t): What It Is and How You Can Use It to Retire Early

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Backdoor Roth IRA for high-income earners

Smart Money Tips

The Backdoor Roth IRA: Strategy and Rules

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Early retirement

Smart Money Tips

What’s the Early Retirement Provision in 401(k) Plans?

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Should I max out my 401k

Smart Money Tips

When You Should or Should Not Max Out Your 401(k)

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Emily Rassam Named to Investopedia 100: List of Top Financial Advisors

Smart Money Tips

Emily Rassam Named to Investopedia 100: List of Top Financial Advisors

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Two hands taking a cellphone video

Smart Money Tips

Protecting Your Assets with A Home Video

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living within your means

Smart Money Tips

Living Within Your Means: How to Do It and Why

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buckets of money saving strategy

Smart Money Tips

Buckets of Money: A Better Saving Strategy

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Happy child holding money in hands

Smart Money Tips

On Income and Happiness: How Much Is Enough?

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IBM Benefits planning

Financial Quarterly

Your IBM Benefits & Career: Financial Planning for Employees & Executives

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microsoft benefits planning

Financial Quarterly

Microsoft Benefits & Career: Financial Planning for Employees

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NVIDIA logo on a black and gray background

Financial Quarterly

Your NVIDIA Benefits & Career: NIVIDIA Benefits Planning for Employees and Executives

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intel benefits planning

Financial Quarterly

Your Intel Benefits & Career: Financial Planning for Employees & Executives

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tesla benefits planning

Financial Quarterly

Your Tesla Benefits & Career: Financial Planning for Employees and Executives

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tax loss harvesting for crypto

Financial Quarterly

Tax Loss Harvesting for Crypto

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What do you think the future will look like?

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, and nanotechnology are putting the unbelievable on the horizon.

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How much do you know about cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency isn’t the black sheep it once was. It’s hit the mainstream, and it’s grabbing up more headlines and investors than ever…

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retire on $1 million?


How Far Could $1 Million Go In Retirement?

A million dollars used to be the ultimate target for retirement portfolios.

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traveler & mountains


Powerful Goal-Setting Strategies for Uncertain Times

What would make your life better? It’s easy to want more when you think of being happier and living better.

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When Markets Retreat


What You Need to Know About Market Corrections

Smart investors don’t make knee jerk decisions when markets slide.

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smart investor


How to Be a Smarter Investor in Uncertain Times

6 Secrets to Make You a Smarter Investor

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